Monday, October 25, 2010

X says 'I love you' to Y in a brainstorm, or some crazy Hungarian music

Crazy rhythms and lyrics, it might not really make a sense, but still, it is very cleverly written and it's so elevating, like a new wave bombshell exploding and dissolving in my (and maybe others) microcosm. It reminds me feelings that were lost long time ago, relationships and old friends and frozen food and loneliness ('went down the subway to dream about friends') and suddennes and crazy, life-like moments at the same time. The band is called Kistehén (LittleCow) and the two songs are Vágjál hátba (Spank my Back)-the official video and the live version...I tend to like the live version more these days...and the other one is We want to do everything in the darkness. Enjoy :)))

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