Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I made myself a few days to get far far away from work to sleep, to read, to be alone for a while...this day I spent mostly in bed, but I decided to focus on reorganizing my closet for the following fall-winter period...which is not my favourite one. Anyway, I made a little research on various streetstyle blogs and found some good ideas... at least this much until a new photo session...

I really really love these ankle boots and the way these girls wear them. I definitely want one of these!



  1. hejj :D:) azt kihagytad, hogy taliztal velem :P:) hat ennyit jelentettem neked ? :P:) > no, mindenestre orulok, hogy osszefutottunk :D:) s remelem nem csak 10 evente futunk ossze, bar szomszedok vagyunk :P:) > tetszik amugy a blogod, meg tuzetesebben nem neztem at, de amit lattam az tetszett :) > no, meg nem utolso sorban a stilus amit kepviselsz :) < > pihenj aztan a kis szabi alatt, puszka

  2. :)) koszi a hozzaszolast! Latom te sem tetlenkedsz! Sziaa:)
